LHSAA Covid Q&A with Dr. Gregory Stewart

Center for Sport at Tulane co-founder Dr. Gregory Stewart will host a LHSAA Covid Q&A Zoom at 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. CST Tuesday, June 2.

Athletic trainers, coaches and staff are encouraged to email questions before 3 p.m. June 1 to LHSAA.COVID19@gmail.com.

The seminar is for high school athletic trainers, coaches and administrators. Dr. Stewart will answer questions submitted on COVID-19 and return-to-play for LHSAA member high school’s athletic programs. A sampling of questions submitted include:

• Options to refill water, sources, suggestions 

• Will antibody testing this impact social distancing?  Is it a good plan for returning athletes to campus?

• With youth and sport camps resuming, what are the best hydration practices?

• Resources/suggestions for cleaning locker rooms under the guidelines

• Waiver forms: what should be included?

Meeting link: https://tulanehipaa.zoom.us/j/94030292523?pwd=WlFCWXRxcUhGczBhb3VRajZadGptdz09​

Meeting ID: 940 3029 2523​​

Password: 170829​​