Derek Wiltz, MS

Data Control Specialist

Derek Wiltz, Data Control Specialist at Tulane Center for Sport

Education & Affiliations

BS, Franciscan University of Our Lady Missionaries
MS, Tulane University School of Medicine


Derek Wiltz currently serves as Data Control Specialist at the Tulane Center for Sport. Derek assists in the research and collection of data for the Center for Sport, including programming related to the NFL PCF Healthy Body and Mind Screening, The Trust (powered by the NFLPA) Brain and Body / Milestone Wellness Assessment, and the Tulane University Center for Brain Health

As a child, Derek was very active in sports. Basketball and football were among his favorites. He watched hours of sports highlights on ESPN, including injuries in various sports, and became interested in treating sports-related injuries. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Master's in Pharmacology from Tulane School of Medicine. While at Tulane, a neuropharmacology course inspired his  interest in traumatic brain injury research and drug effectiveness in brain-related diseases. He hopes to study further on managing athletes and veterans injuries after concussions.

Derek has contributed to various publications, including Genetics, Pediatrics and MicrobiologyHe also been an alumni and keynote speaker at his alma mater and has been featured in local magazines highlighting the importance of STEM to minorities in Louisiana.